Early Psychosis Intervention Ontario Network (EPION) Metabolic Monitoring interactive tool

Welcome to the Early Psychosis Intervention Ontario Network (EPION) Metabolic Monitoring interactive tool!

This web tool aims to promote metabolic monitoring for people with mental illness. It provides a structured way to screen and begin metabolic interventions and defines the roles of members of the mental health and primary care teams.

Who can use this interactive web tool?

Community- and hospital-based psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, family physicians, and frontline mental health specialists working with people living with psychosis and families. Clients are also encouraged to use this web tool to track their own metabolic risk factors and set related healthy lifestyle goals

Who designed this tool?

The EPION Metabolic Monitoring Working Group developed this web tool based on its own metabolic monitoring resources, including the Cardiometabolic Risk Management tool,* which was revised according to Canadian guidelines by EPION and its partners. The partners include the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, and Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care, with thanks to the On Track First Episode Psychosis Program for their collaboration.

*Adapted for use by the EPION Metabolic Monitoring Working Group, with permission from Curtis, J., Newall, H., Samaras, K. © HETI 2011; Shiers, D et al.

The original versions of the resources used to develop this interactive web tool are available for download here.

How to use this tool?

The interactive web tool does not collect any personal health information. Once you have entered all the necessary information, you can print a copy or save it to your computer.

This interactive web tool allows clients and clinicians to monitor the following:

  • measurements (waist, blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), blood sugar, and body mass index (BMI).
  • medications and current side effects
  • lifestyle (smoking, alcohol use, exercise)
  • sleep
  • nutrition.

As you enter the information, a “danger zone” pop-up will appear if there are any areas of concern. This pop-up will include suggestions for healthy target zones, and you can also include healthy lifestyle goals that you want to achieve.

The healthy lifestyle goals will also appear at the bottom of the web tool so that you can create additional goals. You will also be able to add reminders to your calendar so you can visit the tool again in the future to continue monitoring and following up on your goals.

How do I use EPION’s metabolic monitoring resources?

Three short instructional videos on how clinicians can use the original versions of resources used to develop this tool, are available here:

  • An overview of the suite of tools:
  • Using the EPION Metabolic Syndrome Screening Tool:

Begin Risk Assessment
Skip to Risk Factors
