Parallel Realities – Real Stories About Psychosis
Parallel Realities is a 3-part podcast from the Canadian Consortium for Early Intervention in Psychosis about early psychosis, told through the stories of young people and families who have experienced it. Hosted by Brian Cooper, journey alongside Noah, Ilyas and Natalie, who tell their inspiring stories about what it was like to experience, receive treatment for, and recover from psychosis. You’ll also hear from two family members, Nicolle and Heidi, who have supported a loved one along their journey. Dr Howard Margolese and Dr Sudhakar Sivapalan will also explain things from a medical perspective along the way.
Episode 1: Onset
Young people and families speak about the onset of symptoms and its significant impact on their lives. Our experts will speak to the basics of what psychosis is and what it isn’t.
Episode 2: Treatment
Young people and families speak about the pathways to care for their psychosis and what it’s like to receive a diagnosis and treatment. Our experts will speak to treatment, diagnosis, early psychosis services, and factors impacting recovery.
Episode 3: Recovery
Young people, families, and physicians speak about what recovery means to them, what supports recovery, changes they feel are needed, and advice for other young people and families.
All three episodes are available for download on the platforms below. Click to listen;