
The following websites offer a wide range of information, resources and supports to individuals with psychosis and their families.

Schizophrenia Society of Ontario

This website offers information about schizophrenia and psychosis, as well as resources for caregivers including the Henson Trust, medication and cannabis. It offers services and education for both the individual with psychosis and their families. The “Ask the Expert” service provides information and resources over the phone and email to anyone that requires information and assistance getting support.

Psychosis 101 (also available in French)

This user-friendly website offers information for individuals and families about psychosis and recovery, including videos, stories and art from those that have experienced psychosis.

EPI Early Psychosis Intervention (Fact sheets only)

This website page offers a toolkit called “Dealing With Psychosis” that is meant for the individual in recovery to help them on their journey, including sections such as Managing Stress, Solving Problems, and Setting Goals. It also has a helpful resource for families called “The EPI Family Coping Booklet” that offers helpful strategies to support someone coping with symptoms of psychosis. The page also has several other fact sheets pertaining to psychosis, such as information on Early Intervention, Substance Use, and Medication.

Here to Help – Mental Health and Substance Use Information You Can Trust

Here To Help offers a ton of information on mental health and substance use for individuals and families. However, their family section is of particular note as it has a 6 module workbook for families called “The Family Toolkit”, with information and practical strategies to support someone with a mental illness. It has other workbooks as well for families on topics such as substance use and grief.

My Cannabis IQ, EPION

Information on cannabis and the risks for youth. Tailored for families and youth.

Cannabis and Psychosis – Explore the Link (Also available in French)

Have your questions answered on the link between cannabis and psychosis. Youth friendly website.

Mind Your Mind

This is a website for youth that offers information on wellness and mental health. It has a page dedicated to describing psychosis, talking about the myths around it and how to help someone that has it. It has a link to a video in which a young woman shares her personal journey with schizophrenia.