Transitions in Care Consultation Summary Report

Transitions in care, including clients leaving the program, transferring or re-entering, are consistently identified as challenges for Early Psychosis Intervention programs. In response to this concern, EPION led a consultation process among interested members and other stakeholders over the 2018-2019 fiscal year.

The process began with general discussion and “brain-storming” at the May 2018 General Network Meeting, followed by a structured consultation day in June 2018 attended in-person by 24 program representatives and interested others. This was followed by discussions with various programs to “drill-down” on some of the topics highlighted in the June event. Drafting, review and editing of a summary report was completed this past spring, and the published report has now been released for general reading. Click here to download the pdf.

EPION Transitions in Care Summary Report, 2019

The EPION executive would like to give a very large and sincere thank you to all those who participated and shared their experience and their well-considered ideas. Another big thank you goes to those who gave so much time and effort to pull the content together into a valuable reference document for all to use.

Through the consultation process, it became evident that continued work on the topic of transitions in care should be a priority for EPION. To that end, EPION leadership and the CAMH Provincial System Support Program have been exploring ways to assist EPI programs to act on the recommendations for system improvement arising from the consultation. We hope to announce shortly what that initiative will look like, and invite program participation.

From the EPION Executive

EPION Transitions in Care Consultation Summary Report (pdf)